
There are many green smart appliances. Who is the pioneer?

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On July 13, the premier of the State Council presided over the executive meeting of the State Council, requiring multiple measures to expand consumption and determine measures to support the consumption of green smart appliances. The meeting pointed out that we should speed up the release of the consumption potential of green smart appliances. We will promote the exchange of old household appliances for new ones and the sending of household appliances to the countryside throughout the country, and encourage qualified local governments to provide financial and policy support. During the implementation, we should maintain the national unified and open market and ensure fair competition.

Support the development of recycling of waste household appliances, and improve the supporting capacity of information networks, electricity and other infrastructure for household appliance consumption.

On the 20th, Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, said that in promoting the stabilization of consumption, automobiles, household appliances and catering are important supports for traditional consumption; In terms of home appliances, the Ministry of Commerce will support the exchange of old home appliances for new ones and home appliances to the countryside nationwide, improve the standards of smart home appliances, promote the standardization of the whole chain of home appliances installation and maintenance, and support the development of waste home appliances recycling.

On July 22, the State Council Information Office held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council to promote the consumption of green smart appliances. At the briefing, it was mentioned that the "several measures on promoting the consumption of green smart appliances" (hereinafter referred to as "several measures") proposed by the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with the Ministry of industry and information technology, the State Administration of market supervision and other departments had been agreed by the State Council. In the future, the country will replace the old with the new, send green smart appliances to the countryside, strengthen the whole chain service guarantee We should strengthen infrastructure support, optimize the supply of green smart home appliances, improve the after-sales service of home appliances, strengthen the recycling of waste home appliances, and implement fiscal, tax and financial policies to support the benign development of China's home appliance market. People in the household appliance industry believe that a series of national support policies are conducive to boosting consumer confidence in the current market, and help household appliance enterprises tide over difficulties from expanding demand and improving supply levels.

Supporting the economy to expand domestic demand from 2007 to 2013, China issued a round of large-scale household appliance subsidy policies. At that time, the policy background was that China's economy was in a stage of substantial decline, and the country urgently needed to boost domestic demand to stimulate the economy, so it adopted a large-scale economic stimulus policy dominated by financial subsidies. The form of financial subsidies related to household appliances was shared by the central and local governments, and the central government's financial commitment ratio was more than 80%.

In the last round of policy implementation, the state adopted direct subsidies for end consumers, such as home appliances to the countryside and trade in, while energy conservation and benefiting the people belong to direct subsidies for promotion enterprises, and consumers are the indirect ultimate beneficiaries; At the same time, at that time, subsidies were mainly for ice, washing, air, television, computers and other categories. Through the implementation of this policy, the penetration rate of household appliances in China, especially in rural households, increased rapidly, and at the same time, it also led to the rapid growth of the revenue of household appliance enterprises. However, during the implementation of the policy, there were also a series of problems. At the same time, many enterprises reported that the market was overdrawn due to stimulus policies, As a result, the profit fluctuation of enterprises has increased for a period of time.

After the end of the subsidy policy, China's household appliance industry has ushered in a long period of adjustment. The new round of household appliance consumption promotion policy will be very different from the previous round of subsidy policy.

The Guojun household appliance analysis team believes that since 2018, the State Council and various ministries and commissions have mentioned the policy contents of promoting rural consumption, carrying out household appliances to the countryside and subsidies for replacing old household appliances with new ones in many policy briefings and * * documents. The fundamental motivation is to stimulate domestic demand to promote economic development.

"At present, China's home appliance market is in the stock stage, and the penetration rate of some rigid demand products is already very high. Therefore, the original intention of consumption subsidies will not be to promote the development of the insurance industry or stimulate GDP growth in the short term, but to achieve steady economic development from the perspective of boosting domestic demand and ensuring employment under the expectation of the decline of overseas demand probability. Therefore, we can see that this time, in addition to subsidies for traditional ice, washing, air, television and other household appliances The briefing also mentioned the need to launch more green smart home appliances that meet different needs, attract more high-quality home appliances to enter the market, and continue to meet the consumer demand for home appliances with high-quality supply. From this, it is inferred that Pan subsidies may become the mainstream, and drive the release of non rigid demand such as quality upgraded home appliances, small home appliances, clean appliances. "

In addition, different from the form in which the central government assumed the main subsidy amount in the previous round of subsidy policies, the advocacy and implementation of this policy may fall more on local governments. For example, it was pointed out at the briefing that "old for new", "All localities should give full play to the role of * * departments, leading enterprises, e-commerce platforms, industry associations and other aspects, and mobilize physical commerce, e-commerce platforms, production enterprises and recycling enterprises to participate in the exchange of household appliances through * * support, enterprise promotion, platform fee reduction and other ways"; When it comes to green smart appliances going to the countryside, it is mentioned that "all regions can make good use of relevant funds such as County commercial construction actions".

Therefore, the industry predicts that the probability of the state implementing large-scale nationwide subsidies this time is small, and the implementation of consumption stimulus policies will still be based on the actual local market demand and the local financial situation. In fact, previously, some places have tried to stimulate household appliance consumption by issuing consumption coupons and jointly benefiting the people with enterprises. For example, Beijing is expected to release 300million yuan of consumption coupons from April to September this year to support the consumption of green smart household appliances. Connect supply and demand. Unlike the previous round of household appliance subsidy policy, which mainly focused on the demand side, this round of household appliance consumption promotion policy has a more comprehensive coverage, taking household appliance supply and demand as a "chess game".

For example, when the briefing mentioned optimizing the supply of green smart home appliances, it was mentioned that it was necessary to "improve the evaluation standards of green home appliances, expand the certification scope of green home appliances", "promote the open integration, mutual compatibility and interconnection of smart home appliances and plug, charger, remote control and other accessories standards". To take the simplest example, with the attention of Chinese residents to kitchen and bathroom space, in recent years, many emerging household appliances, such as integrated stoves, dishwashers, intelligent toilets, etc., have begun to enter people's homes, but the first threshold for these products to enter the home is the reconstruction of water and electricity pipelines in the kitchen and bathroom space, and the "competition for sockets" of various electrical appliances is also a long-standing pain point for consumers. If the house can be well planned for water circuits at the beginning of construction, It will greatly facilitate the household entry process of emerging household appliances.

At present, many leading enterprises in the industry, including kitchen appliances and integrated stoves, have participated in the formulation and revision of national housing construction standards to reflect the demands of people's livelihood. For another example, as household appliances move towards intelligence, there are still many problems in the interconnection between brands and categories. How to realize the real smart home from the top-level design, to a certain extent, relevant industry associations need to work together to formulate comprehensive standards across industries and categories. In addition, in the stock market environment, the "obstacles" to the entry of new household appliances are, to a large extent, those old household appliances that have expired their service. It is essentially the same thing to get rid of the old and welcome the new.

During the implementation of the last round of consumption stimulus policies, China has gradually formed the recycling and disposal methods of waste electrical and electronic products. In May 2012, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of environmental protection established a waste electrical and electronic products disposal fund, which collects the waste electrical and electronic treatment fees according to the import quantity quota of product producers, product recipients or agents, and gives quota subsidies to relevant recycling and dismantling enterprises. However, after years of development, the operation of the fund has been "unable to make ends meet" to a certain extent, which requires national financial transfer payments; The profitability of professional recycling and dismantling enterprises is also poor

At present, there is a big gap between the theoretical scrap volume and the actual disposal volume of household electrical appliances. How to make up for the problems existing in the old and new replacement links, the country has been exploring solutions in recent years. At this briefing, the state clearly promoted household appliance manufacturers to carry out the action of recycling target responsibility system, and called on manufacturers to build a household appliance reverse recycling system by relying on the product sales and maintenance service network, or through self construction, cooperation and joint construction.

To a certain extent, this measure solves the problem of disconnection between household appliance production and recycling and disassembly, enables manufacturers to pay attention to the motion trajectory of the whole life cycle of products, and implements the extension of producer responsibility. At present, enterprises including Haier, Hisense, Midea, Changhong, TCL, Gree, etc. have made some layout in the waste electrical appliance recycling market, promoting the green and efficient transformation of the whole household appliance industry chain. The briefing also mentioned such contents as promoting the economic development of channel platforms, promoting the improvement and improvement of after-sales service of household appliances, supporting the infrastructure support of smart and green household appliances from the national level, and strengthening the fiscal and tax policies to support the development of household appliance enterprises, which can be described as very comprehensive.

Jiang Feng, executive director of the household appliances association, said that in the previous policy statements of various departments, household appliances were only mentioned as a part or two in the comprehensive measures. This time, several ministries and commissions have introduced consumption promotion measures specifically for household appliances, which shows that the country attaches great importance to the household appliance industry. As a personnel, capital and technology intensive industry, home appliances, on the one hand, are related to the realization of a better life for the people. At the same time, its industrial chain is long. It is a key industry to absorb employment and ensure people's livelihood, and promote the benign and healthy development of the home appliance industry. It is of great significance for China to promote domestic demand, stabilize employment, and achieve steady economic growth.