
How does Sophia, Shangpin Homestead and other three giants come to the ground in a whole package?

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For the customization industry, "whole house", "whole package" and "big household" will definitely be hot words in 2022, causing many heated discussions online and offline. However, with the implementation of Europa, Sofia and Shangpin House Decoration in recent years, there is no doubt that the industry has paid more attention to the "whole decoration". Some people even define it as "a milestone event". Why?

For consumers, it is more convenient and efficient to purchase packaged services than to customize indoor doors, cabinets and other products separately. Nowadays, consumers can buy a one-stop package service in the package store. The main service items include: selection and purchase of decoration materials, decoration construction, design and installation of soft decoration, design and installation of customized furniture, land reclamation and cleaning, etc., while consumers can move in just by purchasing household appliances, necessities, etc. In this way, it can greatly help consumers to save a lot of time and energy in design, materials, construction and other links. Because of this, the packaged service is popular with consumers. The landing of the three major integrated stores means that consumers can have more and more perfect real "integrated" choices, and can well solve many problems in the process of house decoration, such as uncontrollable total decoration price, many construction problems, project delay, poor delivery quality, etc.

For customization enterprises, gradually expanding the scope of business to carry out packaging business is the only way to enhance endogenous power. The successful implementation of the direct integration of Oupai, Sofia and Shangpin Home Furnishing means that at least three successful business models can be referred to. After all, all kinds of customized household products have similarities in production equipment, production technology, raw material procurement and other links. Similar production processes and processes further reduce the difficulty for household enterprises to develop integration channels.

First, the process of measuring, design, installation, etc. of customized home furnishing is the same as that of the decoration enterprise project. Moreover, the cabinet and wardrobe products themselves have the advantage of flow entrance and are relatively advanced in the decoration process; The most important thing is that the customized home furnishing industry has a high degree of informatization. The standardized management, supply chain integration, talent service team, terminal operation management, etc. are relatively complete. Personalized customization, process management, and information management and control enable customized home furnishing to better solve many of the pain points and difficulties of the installation enterprise.

After all, the whole decoration has moved the customer acquisition time node from hard decoration to the early stage of design. Therefore, while obtaining greater customer flow, the customization enterprises can also have a greater say in the choice of brands in the subsequent decoration process, which is conducive to the matching sales of different categories of products, expanding the market space and improving the value of single customer.

Home building materials and home decoration industry

The three customization giants entered the decoration market, which is an influential cross-border behavior and has a long-term influence on the entire home building materials and home decoration industry. First of all, in the future, it will be difficult for single product dealers to survive, which can solve the overall decoration needs of consumers, including the new store state of product demand. Secondly, Oupai's customized and packaged retail stores, Sofia's packaged flagship stores, and Shangpin's Christmas bird packaged stores are all independent stores, and they do not have to be in the hypermarkets such as Fandang and Red Star, where the rent is extremely high. For example, Oupai's Chengdu store of packaged large home furnishing retail is located in the department store, which is certainly not what traditional home furnishing stores want to see. Moreover, for the material suppliers, the integration of the three giants means that a super integrated big B channel will be formed soon, and everyone wants to sharpen their heads. In a word, with the successful entry of the three giants into the decoration industry, the concentration of Volkswagen brand, the main material of home decoration in the future, will be further accelerated.


Returning to "full decoration", from the current situation of the industry, it is almost impossible for traditional decoration enterprises to reverse integrate "intelligent and intelligent" customization enterprises. It is obvious that the essence of full decoration depends on who is the traffic portal. In the hard decoration sector of full decoration, the proportion of customized home furnishing has become larger and larger, and the concentration of leading enterprises has also been increasing. The implementation of direct full decoration of Europa, Sofia and Shangpin home furnishing this time highlights another upgrade in the integration of customized home furnishing enterprises, as well as the practice of their own full decoration business models after several iterations.