
What are the specific advantages of joining customized furniture in second and third tier cities?

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In recent years, more and more enterprises have seen the rapid development trend and inestimable market prospect of customized furniture industry in second and third tier cities, and have chosen to sink channels in order to seize new profit growth points. So, what are the specific advantages of joining in customized furniture in second and third tier cities?

1、 Broad market prospects

At present, the customized furniture market in second and third tier cities has broad prospects for three reasons:

1. The home furnishing market in the first tier cities is greatly affected by the real estate policy. At present, it is still in a downturn. Dealers dare not act rashly and adopt conservative management strategies. However, the real estate construction in the second and third tier cities is still in full swing, with little impact, and the demand for customized furniture is still growing.

2. The customized furniture market in the first tier cities has been relatively saturated, most of the well-known brands have entered, and the remaining cake is very limited, while the customized furniture market in the second and third tier cities has just opened, which is a good time to grab the cake.

3. With the improvement of the economic level of second and third tier cities, people's brand awareness is gradually enhanced, and small brand furniture is no longer favored by consumers. In order to meet the needs of consumers, dealers need to increase the operation of medium and high-end brands.

2、 Obvious price advantage

In an environment where the brand layout of first tier cities is basically mature, most dealers try their best to carry out promotional activities to maintain the operation of existing brands. However, the rising store rent, operating expenses and after-sales service costs are finally reflected in the product price. 2、 The consumption concept of residents in third tier cities is very different from that in first tier cities. The first factor consumers consider when choosing furniture is price. Therefore, cheap and practical furniture is easier to arouse consumers' desire to buy.

In addition, investors who want to enter the second and third tier cities should conduct more market research, listen to consumers' voices and understand the products they really need. Only by deepening the connection with the local market and fully reflecting their own brand and localization characteristics, can they get the first opportunity.