
The furniture industry is increasingly competitive, and full house customization will be an important development direction of the industry!

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With the rapid increase in the number of middle-income groups in China, medium and high-end consumer groups are gradually emerging.

More and more consumer groups in China begin to pay attention to the overall life art of home. The old-fashioned finished furniture can no longer meet the consumers' pursuit of personalized life. People prefer to add more independent creativity and characteristics to home life. People's demand for customized furniture in the whole house is on the rise.

In recent years, the customized furniture industry has entered a stage of rapid growth. With the improvement of domestic residents' living standards and cultural levels, the post-80s and post-90s marriageable people have gradually become the main consumption force, and their awareness of independent design of home environment will be increasingly enhanced.

At the same time, with the increase of small family houses, including affordable housing, customized furniture can fully show consumers' pursuit of personality, fashion and comfort because it takes into account practicality and space utilization, so as to become popular in the furniture consumption market, and its market share and market position will continue to improve.

Whole house customization is the development direction of the customized furniture industry. The rise of customized furniture was initially concentrated in the fields of customized cabinets and customized wardrobes. It was mainly formed due to the introduction of foreign popular integrated kitchen and wall cabinet sliding doors, as well as the relatively strict requirements of kitchen and wardrobes on the use of housing space. With the improvement of production technology of furniture enterprises and the maturity of furniture consumption concept of Chinese residents, Customized furniture has gradually expanded to the whole room furniture fields such as bedroom, study, living room, dining room and kitchen.

Customization mode is a win-win business model. For consumers, it has the advantages of personalized design, high space utilization, and full consideration of the demands of the home environment, which has a strong attraction;

For enterprises, it reduces the inventory of enterprises and improves the profitability and anti risk ability of enterprises; At the same time, the customization mode is conducive to the realization of on-demand production in the whole industry, effectively avoiding the problem of overcapacity in the industry, reducing wood waste, conducive to environmental protection, and has good social benefits.

Therefore, realizing the customization of whole house furniture is the development direction of customized furniture industry, but the customization of whole house furniture also has high requirements for the information technology strength, process technology strength, flexible production capacity and so on.

The sales mode has changed from B2C (business to consumer) to C2B (consumer to business). The traditional sales mode is production before consumption (i.e. B2C mode). With the continuous emergence of consumers' personalized needs and the massive display of cloud computing applications in products, consumers begin to actively participate in product design, production and pricing according to their own needs, and production enterprises carry out customized production (i.e. C2B mode).

In the field of customized furniture, consumers participate in the design of plane layout and experience the whole room space and home product simulation through the Internet or exclusive stores.

With the help of intelligent manufacturing technology in the era of industry 4.0, mass customization production is realized. The furniture industry is in a period of transformation in which customized furniture replaces traditional finished furniture on a large scale. The traditional furniture industry realizes scale effect by mechanized production of standard furniture products. With the rapid development of customized furniture industry, the proportion of non-standard parts continues to increase, with personalized Flexible production characterized by mass production is the key technology to realize mass customization.

The application of artificial intelligence technology, through scanning the two-dimensional code containing processing information on the product parts, realizes the production process of the part command machine, solves the identification problem of non-standard parts, and greatly improves the production efficiency. In addition, the popularity of o2o marketing model continues to improve. Traditional department stores or hypermarkets have increased channel costs due to the continuous rise in rents.

With the gradual formation of e-commerce consumption habits, consumers spend more time browsing and selecting products on the Internet. However, due to the characteristics of customized furniture non standardized products, offline physical stores still assume the functions of an important experience center and regional after-sales service platform, providing consumers with real product experience display, so that consumers can buy at ease.

The construction and operation ability of the sales network has become a key competitiveness. The customized furniture industry has highly personalized consumer needs, and consumers need to participate in the process of scheme design to continuously communicate with designers. At the same time, with the rapid growth of the market, a reasonable expansion of the sales network is conducive to enterprises to occupy a higher market share. Customized furniture enterprises must have a sales network channel with extensive coverage and strong passenger flow.

In the process of channel construction and maintenance, the sales network also bears the functions of brand image and after-sales tracking service. This also requires enterprises to formulate and constantly optimize a set of scientific and efficient management system for effective application.

The market competition in furniture industry is becoming more and more fierce

China's furniture industry is developing rapidly, the number of manufacturing enterprises in the furniture industry is increasing, the market concentration is scattered, and the industry competition is fierce.

As an emerging sub industry of the furniture industry, customized furniture has attracted more and more consumer groups because it can meet the personalized needs of consumers, high space utilization, comprehensive services and other advantages, and the customized furniture industry shows a trend of rapid development.

This will lead to customized wardrobe, customized cabinet and other single category customized furniture enterprises in the customized furniture industry to expand their products to the whole house furniture customization. At the same time, the rapid development of customized furniture has also attracted some traditional finished furniture manufacturers to transform to the field of customized furniture.

In addition, home decoration enterprises, flooring enterprises and other household enterprises also set foot in the customized furniture industry because they are optimistic about the customized furniture market. Therefore, the competition in the customized furniture industry may be further intensified by the increase in the number of customized furniture enterprises.

This will also lead to the market competition of customized furniture industry gradually changing from price competition to comprehensive competition in product design, production efficiency and cost, customized services, channel construction, brand marketing, etc., which will increase the investment of customized furniture enterprises in brand marketing, and further affect the profitability of enterprises.